Sunday, December 2, 2007

Truly Beautiful

She was beautiful. Her name was Nancy, and she was beautiful. She had dark hair that didn't always lay straight, and she was beautiful. Her eyes were wider apart than normal, and she had heavy bags under each of them. Here ears were large and strangely shaped. And, she was beautiful. Her mouth hung open virtually all of the time, which also meant that you could see that she had only a partially complete set of teeth. Her nose was bent and crooked, and her skin sagged and hung loosely around and under her mouth. And, she was beautiful. She was small and walked with a shuffle. Her fingers were not formed correctly with the result being that she only had three fingers and a thumb on each hand. Her mental ability was what is politely called "slow." Her speech was halting and many times difficult to understand because of her various physical and mental impairments. And, she was beautiful.

Obviously, she was not beautiful in appearance. Nor was her life what many would call the "beautiful" life. Nor was she beautiful in her intelligence, or in any other way that we usually assign meaning to the concept of beauty. No, Nancy was beautiful because of who she was. She was a woman who smiled and waved at almost everybody she saw, and almost always had a happy greeting to share in the morning. She was beautiful because in some way beyond "normal" reckoning, Nancy radiated joy-waves all about her. It was impossible for one to have even a passing encounter with her and not be affected by those joy-waves. In Nancy, one could truly glimpse what is so often missed in our social encounters and even our friendships and relationships with one another. In Nancy, one could catch a glimpse of the image of God imprinted upon the soul.

A few weeks ago, Nancy went to be with God, and a bit of beauty was transfered from earth to heaven. I pray that we will all see the good, right, sure and true beauty of the LORD one day, and maybe even recognize someone who was known on earth as Nancy. Then we will all surely see that she was beautiful then, and will only grow more beautiful forever.



Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving "Week" Reflections

I have just reached the end of the Thanksgiving "week" and it has been busier than any week I can remember in a long time. I began the week with a phone call from a former parishioner asking me to do the funeral services for her mother. This was to be an unusual funeral in that her mother died a violent death as the victim of a shooting. I finished the week officiating at a wonderful event, the wedding of a former parishioner. In between, we celebrated a fine Thanksgiving with a dinner with our children and some very good friends. The range of activities, from mourning a loss to celebrating the beginning of life together, causes me to pause this season and reflect on what Thanksgiving should mean.

Thanksgiving is undergoing many challenges in our culture, primarily because of its supposed historical connection with the slaughter of the American Indians by European "invaders." In reality, the story of Thanksgiving has nothing to do with any battle between settlers and Indians. In fact, it has to do with the opposite, an incident of peaceful cooperation between the two peoples which resulted in a celebration of Thanksgiving to God. What is good, right, sure and true is that Thanksgiving should be celebrated as an example of what diverse human communities can peacefully be when God is lifted up and His ways are followed.

This Thanksgiving, I hope that you found some real reasons to give thanks to God. I know that I have. God's grace has abundantly flowed to me and my family. I have friends that are precious beyond reckoning. I have a job that helps provide, along with my wife's job, a good home for us. This year we were able to become a larger family with the taking on of guardianship of a young lady who has become our daughter. I am part of a wonderful church family as well, one that takes the Word of God as just that, the Word of God Himself, and one that gives His love to others in abundance. If I had half as much as I do, I would still have an amazing amount to be thankful for. The reason I can say that is because I know that I do not deserve to have anything! If God judged me according to my sinful heart, I would already be dead and suffering. But thanks be to God! He has granted me mercy according to His grace. Jesus came and suffered the punishment I deserved by His death on the cross. He paid the penalty and I don't have to because of Him! He brought to realize this and believe in Christ some 32 years ago, in May of 1975, and thus I am thankful to Him for it all! I hope you can say the same, for life eternal depends on it!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Vets 'Get it' in Iraq

It is the day after the official celebration of the Veteran's Day holiday. As a veteran of the U.S. Army, I appreciate this time set aside to honor those who have defended and are defending our freedom around the globe.

Which brings us to the current war in Iraq. I found an interesting piece of reporting on Cybercast News Service yesterday highlighting words of three Iraq vets who are members of Vets for Freedom, a group that supports keeping troops in Iraq. That's right, such a group exists, and is making noise as well. You just aren't hearing much about it on the MSM.

According to this reporter, Nathan Burchfiel, these vets were very critical of the MSM for, among other things, "playing up the fact that 2007 has been the deadliest year for American troops while largely ignoring the positive trend in recent months." What is that positive trend? It is the additional fact that since the "surge" in troops was fully implemented in May 2007, the trend in deaths has been consistently downward. It includes the fact that since the surge, Baghdad has become much safer. The fact is that the surge has worked and is working. It is working better than even its supporters thought it would.

Other comments from these veterans of combat in Iraq are worth noting. Staff Sgt. David Bellavia, who fought in Fallujah and founded Vets for Freedom, "criticized elected officials who seek a timeline for success in Iraq tied to a withdrawal strategy."

" 'You would never ask that question of Gen. MacArthur,' he said, referring to the World War II general who led U.S. forces in the Pacific. 'The reason why the 'greatest generation' was great was because the World War II generation understood they had to win their war.' "

This comment from Sgt. Bellavia is brilliant. He is one who understands what is at stake here. He is a veteran who "gets it," and he is not alone. His fellow serviceman, Sgt. Marco Martinez, also a member of Vets for Freedom, "said he believes servicemen and women are being misrepresented by a vocal minority who oppose continuing to fight in Iraq.

" 'I have not met one man when I was in that wanted to come back,' Martinez said, referring to suggestions that a large number of troops do not support the mission."

What the people of Vets for Freedom understand is that the United States simply cannot afford to retreat from this battle in the global war against terrorism. That is what the people in the MSM, along with most in the Democratic party, do not understand. And, there is basically one reason for the difference. Those in the Vets for Freedom group have looked the enemy in the eye. Those in the MSM have only looked at themselves. The Vets have the real assessment because they have seen and experienced what the enemy has done and is willing to do to achieve the victory. The MSM can see nothing but a projection of their idealistic selves. That is why the Vets for Freedom represent what is good, right and true today, and why the MSM represents only the blind leading the blind.


Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Robertson Effect

I was somewhat surprised to hear the news that Rudy Giuliani had been endorsed as a Presidential candidate by, of all people, Rev. Pat Robertson. Many of Rudy's supporters seemed to hail this as a watershed turning point in the campaign. Some, such as prominent supporter Dennis Miller, believe this might just sew up the nomination for the Republican candidate.

I do not pretend to be able to prognosticate the result of this event with any degree of accuracy. I am not a prophet nor the son of a prophet. Some conservative commentators have reacted by writing or saying that Robertson has "sold his soul" or entered into a "Faustian bargain," by endorsing Rudy. I am not sure I could level that kind of criticism at Robertson. However, I do question his thinking and his objectives in this endorsement.

For one thing, it seems that Robertson risks substantially alienating most of those who follow his lead. How much influence and following he has at this point in time is debatable. It is certainly not near the peak of support he enjoyed in the 80's and 90's. It would not appear to be a very savvy move if he wished to garner more support than he has now. Another thing seems certain; Robertson can't believe (can he?!) that this will bring more liberal viewers to his side. He could endorse a candidate far more liberal than Rudy and still remain noxious to any real liberal.

I for one am not a fan of Rudy's. I prefer a more consistent conservative candidate who has both his personal and public values in line with what is good, right and true. I haven't yet decided if anyone fulfills that ideal as yet, though there are a couple of possibilities on the Republican side, and none on the Democratic side. For my part, I do see one "positive" about this unusual endorsement. It could actually have the effect of reducing Rudy's support among conservative voters when Robertson is trying to explain why he is endorsing a pro-abortion, pro-gun control candidate who can't keep marital promises on the basis of a promise that he will only appoint conservative judges to the bench.

However, it could also prove to push Rudy closer to a lock on the nomination. If that proves to be the case, it will show me that the Republicans are just that much closer to losing credibility among the faithful faith-based conservatives that have helped them in the past to gain the White House. It would indeed be ironic if the endorsement of a man of faith accomplished the retreat of the faithful from the ranks of the GOP.


Saturday, November 3, 2007

Of "Dogs" and Teacher's Pets

Recently two news items caught my eye that seem another example of foolishness gone amok in our world.

The first is the case of Duane "Dog" Chapman, the now infamous bounty hunter made famous by a reality show on TV. I have been a bit of a fan of the show, despite it's quirky nature and the rather extreme appearance of members of the Chapman family. However the newly revealed and over-covered racist tirade of the "Dog" himself have served to prove once more that reality shows are never as real as real life.

The second is the latest in a seeming epidemic of episodes of forbidden love. This is the case of Kelsey Peterson and Fernando Rodriguez. If you just thought "who?", you can be forgiven. While the story of the hard words of a TV celeb have been covered to death, this one is a bit harder to see. According to the AP, Kelsey Peterson is"a 25-year-old sixth grade math teacher and basketball coach at Lexington Middle School" in Lexington, NE. She is suspected of having an intimate relationship with student Rodriguez, a 13-year-old at the Middle School. The two fled from Nebraska after investigators found messages of an intimate nature on the teacher's laptop and in letters written by the student. They were apprehended by Mexican authorities Friday evening after crossing into Mexicali, Mexico. The teacher was arrested and the boy released to relatives in Mexico.

Both of these are cases of betrayed trust and very foolish behavior. In the case of "Dog's" racism, the people who perhaps looked up to Chapman now have one less person to exalt and emulate. The damage in that situation will primarily be visited upon the Chapman family. It is sad and tragic, but perhaps worse will be the commentaries in future days and weeks that will take this as symptomatic that white American society is racist to the core. The combination of a celebrity and racist remarks will provide fuel to both outright racists (which pitifully still exist in far too many numbers) and to those race hustlers, i.e. the Sharpton crowd, who only assume significance proportionate to the existence of both phony and real racism.

The case of the teacher and her student/lover portends of a more serious trend that seems to be increasing. Our society is sexualized to an extreme level. One could easily claim that our modern culture has moved beyond being sex-obsessed to being near sex-addicted. At all levels and in every area, from the government to church to music to TV and movies and, as in this case, the educational system, sex scandals are becoming more commonplace. The "sexual revolution" of some 40+ years ago seems to now being bearing fruit, and that fruit is swiftly poisoning the children. The potential for damage to the children and future generations is ignored at a devastating cost. We need to begin to count that cost and turn away from the tired and troubled answer offered by the wisdom of the world. It doesn't work! It never did! All that our sexualized society can offer is a false and ephemeral playground that wounds and even kills us. The LORD Jesus offers a better alternative for each of us, and for the world.

