Monday, May 19, 2008

"Truth is a homeless traveler"

The title of this post is taken from a song lyric written and performed by the group 38th Parallel on the CD "Turn the Tides".  The specific song is "Who am I?"  The phrase seemed very appropriate in our day and in our culture.  We are now, more than I can recall, manipulating information so that truth seems more and more like a tool that is wielded according to our whims and agendas.  Truth claims of concepts that were almost universally accepted are denied on a daily basis in attempts to advance causes of dubious value.  Even so-called 'scientific truth' is up for grabs today as false scientific claims are touted as true, i.e. the 'global warming myth'.  That fallacy alone may prove to be the undoing of western civilization if the truth about it does not soon find a powerful home.

One of the most pervasive truth turns which has taken place in recent decades is the normalization of the homosexual lifestyle in the culture.  Consider that a little less than 40 years ago, homosexuality was universally considered a serious psychological disorder and was so named in the DSM, or Diagnositic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychological Association.  This publication was and is known as the 'bible' of mental disorders.  In both DSM I and DSM II, this was so.  However, after the Stonewall riots of 1969, the APA changed the DSM by dropping homosexuality from the list.  Because of this activism event, without any hard science or even 'soft' science to justify the action, we had a watershed event which largely went unnoticed and served to make homosexuality simply a "variation" of human sexuality.  What was totally ignored then and is still ignored now, is the fact that human biological design prohibits considering homosexual expression normal.  Female and male sexual organs are simply designed to function with each other.  It is obvious that male sexual organs were not designed to receive penetration, and female organs were.  Penetration of the rectum is the use of this bodily part for an activity it was not designed for.  The rectum was designed only for the expelling of objects from the inside, not the insertion of anything from the outside.  It should be obvious that an activity which violates the biological design so that the body is forced to function in a manner opposite from its design cannot be considered normal.

What does this mean?  Part of the effect of putting truth out as a homeless traveler is that falsehood becomes enshrined as acceptable and approved in normal society, and any attitude or institution which would challenge this is a target for destruction.  Such is the case with the institution of marriage which has now been redefined in two states, Massachusetts and California.  This is only the beginning of a truly slippery slope which we will examine in greater detail next time.


Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Love

We have just passed Mother's Day in our land and in many other places around the world. Mother's Day is one of those bitterwsweet times in my life, for I have now passed 13 such days without the physical presence of my mother. I think more about her at this time of the year than any other because during her lifetime, I tried hard to honor her every year. My mother was the anchor in my life, but even more, she was the one person, for a long time, that I absolutely knew loved me no matter what. Thanks be to the Lord that I know other family members, my children, and most of all my wife who surround me with such love today.

Just as my mother's love was of the unconditional variety, there is one above all who has such love for all. The Lord Jesus Christ proved that by giving His life even for those who hated Him, and despised Him and those who killed Him on the cross. If you come to Him and BELIEVE in Him, believe that He really did die for you, and He really did rise from the dead and lives today, and He really will come again for those who know Him, then you can know real unconditional love that will lift you up forever.
Rom 5:8 - but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.