Monday, February 4, 2008

"Wait 'till next year"

The Super Bowl happened yesterday evening. Just a little more than 24 hours ago, an event that was endlessly promoted, an event that cost advertisers more money in 30 seconds than the GDP of many nations in this world was conducted. It was pulled off and was a grand success by the standards of the world. More people watched this event on TV than any other Super Bowl before, some estimated 97 million viewers. It is an incredible feat when one thinks about the sheer enormity of the task. I was one of the 97 million that watched, and it was indeed a spectacular game.

However, (you knew that was coming didn't you!) at least a small part of me wonders if much of the event was nothing more than a colossal waste of time. At least for myself, I wonder if my time could have been better spent doing many other things. My spiritual and intellectual growth certainly need attending to. I sure could have used some of the time for prayer. I am somewhat limited at the moment physically because of an injury, but there are many other things I could perhaps have done. But, I didn't do any of those things. Instead, after the game I searched for some redeeming value by searching out places where the big game was invested with spiritual significance through players who are Christian witnesses, church events and the like. I wish I had done more of that before the game, and perhaps I would have been able to better redeem the time for the Lord. Well, as the losing team and its fans say, "Wait till next year!"


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